Linjiang Xian • Zunyi Red Tour

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Number of views: 12884

Chenping of Hunan Province

     From May 31 to June 2, the branch of the organ went to Zunyi City to carry out theme activities, to the Zunyi conference site and exhibition hall, the Red Army martyrs Cemetery, Loushanguan and other places to receive Party spirit education。     Fortitude dry clouds all over the world vibration [1], a long history of green mountains [2]。Let me pay you a generous tribute。Support the crisis change alone, turn between death and life [3]。    Happy to see that China is good everywhere, red flags in the sky (4)。The original heart iron courage to write a new article。The Long March starts again, and the head is held high。  [Note] [1] Perseverance, heroic spirit, "Chu Ci • Nine songs • National death" "body is dead, God to spirit, soul Yi Xi for the ghost"。A good name lives on in the history books, and the loyal bones are buried in the green mountains。[3] Zunyi Meeting, turning point of life and death of Chinese Revolution。(4) Holding up the red flag, wearing red Army uniforms boarded Loushan Pass。                                

• The 70th anniversary of the founding of New China

     Generous hundred years, flag dance Kyushu red。Waving on Tiananmen Square, hundreds of millions of masters [1]。With Yugong pride, write brilliant picture, star, bomb from the sky [2]。Spring thunder rings in the south, the earth takes off dragon (3)。   Fill ou deficiency, burn flame, hang sail wind [4]。More able to catch turtles to the moon, networking instant pass [5]。Green mountains and rivers everywhere, singing and laughing all the way, approaching the stage [6]。Majestic revival dream, full of heroes。    注:〔1〕1949年,毛主席宣告中华人民共和国成立,人民当家作主。[2] Yu Gong heroic, Yu Gong moved mountains, "Lizi • Tang Wen" "Zi Zi Sun sun infinite already";Star, bomb, "two bombs and one star", shooting the movie "Born"。(3) Spring thunder in the South, reform and opening up, China's economic take-off;(4) Fill the shortage of Ou and return Hong Kong and Macao;The torch, the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing;Hang the sail, hang the cloud sail to the sea, rapid development。〔5〕捉鳖奔月,用毛主席词意,国产航母、蛟龙、天宫、玉兔、高铁等重大科技成果;联网,信息化高速发展,也指交通网建设。(6) Green mountains and green rivers, five new development concepts;Along the way, the people of New China have lived a good life in the course of 70 years of struggle。It also refers to the Belt and Road Initiative, and countries have responded positively;。                                                  Chen Ping, male, is currently a member of the Party Committee of Caijiagang Town, Dingcheng District, Changde City, Hunan Province. Contact: 13787879196 QQ:865164418 
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