Red tour of the original mind守望之旅 ——Changde poetry Society party branch组织参观毛主席故居韶山

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The Red Tour  The journey of the original heart

——Changde poetry Society party branch组织参观毛主席故居韶山


    202285日,在中国共产党第二十次代表大会召开前夕,Changde poetry Society party branch,在市诗词学会会长Zhou Yunlai,常务副会长、支部书记Liu Jingping带领下,参观了毛泽东铜像广场、毛泽东故居、Drip tunnel等圣地。


接着参观了毛泽东同志故居和Drip tunnel,大家仔细端详一件件文物、一幅幅历史照片,深切缅怀伟大领袖的丰功伟绩、光辉思想和崇高风范。



    Through this visit,All agree that,We should not forget our original intention,Remember the mission,Inherit the legacy of the older generation of revolutionaries and revolutionary martyrs,We will give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members in our future work,To be an excellent Communist Party member with ideals and beliefs, dedication, responsibility, competence and fine tradition。Do a good job of our Changde poetry Society's work, with excellent results to meet the Party's 20 victory!

    This is the first time红色The tour is also a journey of the original heart。After the visit, we have created many poems full of deep feeling, and now we have selected them for readers!



Zhou Yunlai




Qianqiu Holy land in Shaoshan, high mountains Xiangyun green between。

The rising sun has been warming the world since then。




Bronze statue high into the nine Gaihe, holding flowers sacrifice to the altar。

Respect before admiration frequency bit tears, Xu in mourning for a long time。

See mountains and rivers red colorful, thanks to the holy hand cuckoo planted。

Shu Li Qingfu at ease to enjoy, kowtowing to the grace of the day。


Ma Chengbin


Revisiting drip water Cave in Shaoshan is interesting


Shaofeng cliff Chu south day, dripping water spirit spring tiger rest edge。

Looking back on the western mystery, worry about the state helmsman dream soul。


【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】 View Shaoshan dripping water Cave


    West fairy Cave, Shiquan 嵱嵷。The clouds are high and the peaks are high。Explore the gurgling, step dragon palace, vaguely other dreams such as springs, sun and moon new Tianfu public。Gong, the people recite, um, the people recite。


Liu Jingping


Look at Shaoshan


Under the hot sun no I stubborn, piety far to Shaoshan。

Lotus pond bank willow is still in, bamboo courtyard smoke village to understand the face。

The flower basket was presented with emotion, and the bronze statue wept。

The incense sticks, the leaders shine nine worlds。


[Zhong Lu · Hillside sheep] Visit the dripping water cave


    Dragon Head Mountain, just like the picture。The drop of water in the name of the cave is surprising。Break the end of the world, beginning to return home, the wind and cloud world heart care, everywhere forest mountains bright and bright。Well, sacrifice, ze, warm。

Red tour of the original mind守望之旅  ——Changde poetry Society party branch组织参观毛主席故居韶山






    Mud walls, green tiles and huts are nestled in the hills。Ordinary buildings, lotus pond reflection, a good farmhouse![幺篇]Vicissitudes of life, plain food, Yu get the real dragon。Cross the low door, leap to the sea, howl in the world![尾声]The vast earth asked who the Lord, giant hand waving, Ding ups and downs。The dream of revival has come true。




    The sky is wide and white clouds lie。Look up at the Colossus and sing。Flowers, the sun shines on me。A great man stands on the same mountain。Reminiscence, love endless tears dancing!


Pan Yuxi




Square bronze statues, leaders of the people。

Tears in the wind worship, the people read the great man。




Keep your chest out and your picture in the White House。

Heroes are born here, and now the world is new。




Yao Shaoju




Smell Shaoshan scenery, this time to visit the feelings of true。

Since ancient times, a prodigy has no seed, and a great man is born in three mud houses。


Visit Shaoshan Dripping water Cave


Deep cave water long, cuckoo fragrance。

There were no air conditioners in those days, so the leader came looking for a cool place。



Shang Zhongxian


[Zhong Lu · Hillside sheep] Shaoshan travel


    Light car forward, Linghuai Yaxun, Yang Gong bronze statue flower blue hajj。Clean the dust, sweep the residual clouds, the year will be done away with corruption, in the face of the wind steady rudder。Come, still feel dear;Back, miss really。

Tang Yunying


[Zhong Lu · Hillside Sheep] Revisit the former residence of the great man


    Shaofeng Lingxiu, lotus pond still, three Maoyu day thick。Solve the people's worries, out of the mountain gully, mottled dragon trace time through。A farewell 卌 loaded autumn, love, love more soft, think, think endlessly。






Pond lotus color is the same, cottage farmhouse memory。

Several old houses are standing photos, thematic albums bathed in spring breeze。


Zou Yilin


Youth tour · Shaoshan


    Bamboo trees, yellow walls and green tiles, lotus leaves。Visitors like weaving, quietly quiet, looking back to feel the sky。

    虎踞龙盘 The dragons sing and the children sing in the air。Look forward to infinite good spring, green mountains in, cuckoo red。


Kang Cunbo


Visit Shaoshan again


Shaofeng view resort, often come here to visit Longyan。

Lingyun straight on the spirit, set Kunlun dream also。


Drip tunnel


A hook water a punch mountain, who knows there are days in the cave。

This is a beautiful place, high hanging beidou dance clouds。



Contributed by: Pan Yuxi

First instance: Kang Cunbo

Final adjudication: Liu Jingping

Production: Text   

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
Copyright Changde Poetry Society of Hunan. All rights reserved
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