Changde Poetry 2022 fourth: Yuan Li Poetry News - The establishment of provincial "poetry Town" and "poetry teaching advanced Unit" relevant regulations (excerpt)

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Create a provincial"Hometown of Poetry" and "Poetry Teaching.

Advanced unitRelevant Provisions (Excerpt)

Chinese traditional poetry is the treasure of Chinese culture。创建"Hometown of poetry" and "advanced unit of poetry teaching" are effective ways to inherit Chinese civilization, build socialist core values system, and serve social, economic and cultural construction。Unit leadership and poetry organization,To a high degree of cultural consciousness and responsibility,Actively lead the broad masses of poets and Ci writers and the people,Proceed from reality,Give play to the strengths of the region,The poem "six into" (into the campus, into the countryside, into the organ, into the community, into the enterprise, into the scenic spot) as the starting point,Actively carry out this work,To make due contributions to promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture。

Act 1 "Hometown of Poetry" evaluation criteria

In counties, cities, districts and towns to carry out the creation"Poetry Town" activities, meet the following standards, can be awarded the provincial "poetry town" title。

First, leadership attention, measures in place。Party committee, government leaders in understanding, work to carry forward the Chinese excellent traditional poetry culture truly into the mainstream of socialist cultural construction,Personally lead the creation effort,Departments concerned are responsible for the division of labor;The establishment work has been included in the work agenda of party committees and governments,Be included in the overall plan for social development,Provide reasonable and reliable guarantee of human, material and financial resources,The relevant funds shall be included in the financial budget at the corresponding level;Creation activities focus on social benefits,We are committed to promoting cultural and spiritual progress in the region,Improve the cultural quality of the broad masses of the people。

Second, mass participation, towards society。Steadily promote poetry"Six steps" (into schools, into organs, into communities, into enterprises, into rural areas, into tourist attractions) work。The school has a wide range of systematic poetry teaching and learning activities;There is an atmosphere of poetry learning and creation;More people in communities, enterprises and rural areas can voluntarily participate in poetry creation, singing and other activities;There are poetry cultural facilities in the tourist area。Poetry has become a regular and indispensable content in the cultural life of the masses, and is deeply loved by the masses。

Third, the organization is sound, strong team。Give full play to the role of all levels and departments, especially the publicity, culture and education sectorsThe "Hometown of poetry" is included in the work schedule, and a wide range of publicity media and activity Spaces are established to enhance the environmental atmosphere。Units above the township have poetry associations (studies) or poetry societies, and poetry organizations are extended longitudinally to villages and communities, and horizontally to organs, schools, enterprises, and institutions, and grass-roots poetry societies or poetry chapters and groups are widely established。The poetry lovers with creative enthusiasm and certain creative basic ability should be absorbed into the poetry organizations at all levels as far as possible, and a strong poetry writing team should be established。Among them, the members of the poetry organization should reach more than five thousand of the total local population, and the members of the provincial poetry association should account for about 30 percent of the members of the poetry organization。The poetry organization has a fixed office place, has the financial support of the government, has regular poetry publications, and carries out activities such as poetry learning, collecting style, discussion and singing in an organized way。

Fourth, strengthen poetry teaching and cultivate talents。It is necessary to carry out the basic knowledge of poetry education and training continuously, especially pay attention to the poetry teaching activities in primary and secondary schools, do a good job in teacher training, ensure the quality, and promote the healthy growth and quality improvement of young people with poetry education。

5. Cherish tradition and create fine works。The rich cultural traditions and poetic heritage of the region should be protected, excavated, sorted out, studied, inherited and carried forward。We should constantly focus on the creation of poetry, and continue to have excellent works;On the basis of mass creation, it can launch fine masterpieces and cultivate local leaders and outstanding talents with a high level of poetry creation。

Sixth, coordinated development for the benefit of local areas。The creation of the "Town of poetry" should be coordinated with the political, economic and cultural construction of the region, and should play a positive role in enhancing the local cultural soft power, cultivating outstanding talents with both morality and talent, and forming a harmonious and good social fashion and a healthy and colorful cultural environment。

Act 2 "Advanced unit of poetry teaching" evaluation standard

In universities, middle schools and primary schools, as well as government agencies, communities and enterprises and public institutions, to carry out the establishment"Advanced Unit of poetry teaching" activities, meet the following standards, can be awarded the provincial "advanced unit of poetry teaching" title。

First, there is the subject consciousness and long-term mechanism of poetry teaching。Establish the overall planning, organization and leadership, work management system of advanced units of poetry teaching, and carry out poetry teaching work for more than three years。

Second, there is a sound poetry organization。In charge of the leadership of the poetry organization, there are standardized articles of association and a stable group of members, a stable fund guarantee, a sound organizational structure and a backbone team of poetry creation, and a certain number of members of poetry organizations at all levels。

Third, there is a stable poetry exchange platform。Poetry magazine is published regularly。There are regular poetry works published inside and outside, among which there are no masterpieces;Have poetry academic and creative activities inside and outside the unit;Have a certain quantity and quality of results;There are a number of individual or poetry society collections published。

Fourth, poetry creation training (including interest, elective courses) system。There are fixed teachers, and there are certain systematic and scientific teaching materials (schools include school-based teaching materials) and corresponding assessment methods。

五、There is an effective model to integrate the work of poetry teaching into the scientific development of the unit。The work of poetry teaching is integrated with the main business of the unit, the carrier of poetry teaching is diversified, the audience is oriented, and there is an appropriate amount of poetry materialization project。Poetry teaching in schools should go into the teaching curriculum, promote quality education, and strive to realize poetry teaching to promote the integration of students' quality, ability and knowledge.Community and enterprise poetry teaching should effectively promote the construction of unit civilization, contribute to the development of economy, improve efficiency, and create a harmonious human environment。


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