I came home with five poems

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Number of views: 13041

Chenping of Hunan Province

  Wife and children return home, the autumn day has not yet spent。Two partridges can not sound, the original near the end of the world。 A few dreams of the old mountain, temporarily have a day of leisure。The stream willow has no ox nose system, but the water flowing still under the bridge。 Smoke light wind light bamboo village, two or three chicken dogs make dusk。The field path is faintly in, occasionally meet people talk warm。 A little clear sorrow 10000 wisp of smoke, Fei Fei tired birds before the mountain。Every inch should be cherished early, but was young at that time。 The new hedge of the ugly garden white dew group, the moon in the sky according to the appendix。At this time do not recite autumn Fu, all night my heart was not safe。                     Wave sand • Early spring A few times, roll up the curtain to see。Thousands of heavy smoke trees fold spring mountains。The new green has no paste soil moistening, the rain zone is slightly cold。     The wind swept willow silk, the water bridge side。The age is late and the warbler is idle。Happy to bring poetry and wine, not moon。    Chen Ping, Member of the Party Committee of Caijiagang Town, Dingcheng District, Changde City, Hunan Province, Contact: 13787879196 
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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