Make is the book can macro word Qi flow big light spread far fang

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-- On the creation of Zeng Lingqi's Ci and its aesthetic value

Gu Jiande


【摘  要】Zeng Lingqi先生是四川文坛近年来声名鹊起的一位高产作家,他不仅担任着多个文学刊物的主编,而且工书长画,能诗善文,其作品引起了贾平凹等当代文学大师的高度赞扬和提点。Zeng Lingqi先生多年笔耕不辍,为读者留下了大量散文、评论、小说、诗、词、赋等作品。本文试就令琪先生的词作及其Aesthetic value做一点小小评点,让更多读者了解这位正当创作盛年的中年作家,其文质兼美、识见独卓、自成一格的创词风格。

【皇冠手机比分网官方入口】Zeng Lingqi  词作  Aesthetic value




Zeng Lingqi先生就是一位出生在资中、生活在资中、工作在资中,并从资中走出去、闯出一片天地的当代知名作家。His creation is not only a variety of styles, but also rich in output, excellent works frequently。关于他的辞赋和散文,笔者已有专文评述,本文在向读者朋友简介令琪文学成长经历的基础上,着重对他的词作及其Aesthetic value,做一点粗浅的分析。

一、Scholarly world, determined to inherit

Zeng Lingqi was the son of one of the 72 wise men of Kongmen78Descendant Sun, Zeng Guofan Di9A great-nephew of the family。曾子及其父亲曾皙,同为孔子的学生,曾子继承孔子的学说,传孔子的孙子子思,子思传孟子,儒家始大。因为在儒家思想发展史上的卓越贡献,曾子配享文庙,号曰“宗圣”。

Since the past dynasties, the Zeng family has emphasized the cultivation of the family, has a good family style, family training。Lingqi this branch, belongs to the Hakka。客家人辗转迁徙两千余年,其优良的家风及文化传统得到了很好的传承。令琪的父母同为教师,自幼生长在这样一个教育世家和书香门第,在父母的言传身教和耳濡目染之下,令琪养成了酷爱读书的习惯,常常捧着一本书读得茶饭不思。多年积累下来,令琪读的书用汗牛充栋来形容也毫不为过,无论经史文哲,俱有所涉猎,这为他日后敏捷的才思和丰富的创作打下了扎实基础。

Lingqi often said,Any school, even the worst,One hundred years of running a school,There will be one or two or more "successful people.",Any family,It's been around for thousands of years,There's always some celebrity or people,We cannot equate the glory of our ancestors with our own,Or it could be the new ageQAll day long complacent instead of thinking of progress。正是在此种理念支配下,令琪总是踏遍千山仍举步高登,永远心怀谦逊不息向前。As he is2015The creation of "Linjiang Xian · 49th birthday feeling》所言:

The most afraid of leaving people to return, this life is partial and flying。My mind is full of shadows。The clouds sail far away, the sky twilight smoke thick。  Time passed by empty wound, eagle dragon turned into eagle worm。Zhuang Sheng has a dream。Green mountains in the sunset, turquoise drunk face red。

Time passed, no return to the west;This night is not a good night。Half of the hundred years have been wasted;A hundred poems, unexpectedly melancholy and sad。A birthday, unexpectedly let qi kai how moved, filled with emotion。在与令琪的交往中,他常引用南宋资中籍状元赵逵的事例,说:“作为一个状元,想必生前的著述一定很多。但查遍《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》,赵逵仅有‘皇恩未敢宴安图’一句诗七个字流传下来。那么,数十年、数百年后,我们这些从事文学创作的人,又能为后世留下多少有效的作品?”每谈及此,令琪就感慨良深,令我们这些文友也不由得颌首称是,开始思考一些“形而上”的问题。


Two, the wide selection of teachers, hard to create

说到Zeng Lingqi的词作及创作经历,不得不言及他的大学母校和他在大学中的几位恩师。

令琪上世纪八十年代在资中县球溪中学就读最后一届两年制高中,1984年从球中毕业,考入原南充师范学院中文系(现西华师范大学文学院)。南充是一所美丽的城市,南充师范学院是一所老牌的师范院校。大学四年,中文系要求学生能做到的,他基本上都能不折不扣地完成。上世纪八十年代的大学校园,激荡着思想解放和个性自由的春风,那时候如果要当“耍哥”,还真是好耍。但只要自己放松要求,估计四年下来,“混”的成分也就居多;肚皮空空,是很容易的。令琪那时有点不太随“大流”,除了上课,他利用空闲时间,自觉练习书法、背诵经典、练习弹琴、尝试写作、参加社会活动。令琪能有今天的文学成就和学术成就,在很大程度上要归因于他在南充师范学院四年所下的苦功夫。不然,他怎能很早创作出版《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》、《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》、《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》那样的学术专著?How can there be such prose masterpieces as "History of Sleepwalking" and "Lively Solitude"?

After four years of studying in college, Ling Qi has a special interest in calligraphy。因为不喜欢一些“著名书法家”那种抄写唐诗宋词、不能自作诗词的现象,令琪尝试自己写诗、填词、写文言文。那时的一些词作,虽然平仄尚有不合、音韵尚有不谐、语言尚欠推敲、意境拓构不足,但也可以一窥令琪当年创作风格的一些端倪,可见他的一些尝试和美学追求。

大四上学期,学校开设选修课,令琪选修了郑临川先生的《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》。Mr. Zheng Linchuan, a disciple of Wen Yiduo, is a famous Song Ci expert in China。借此机会,令琪在郑先生引导之下,深入学习了词史、词评、词论,特别是对辛弃疾词进行了较为系统的研究和学习,为毕业以后的文学创作特别是词的创作,打下了坚实基础。In addition to studying Xinqiji's words, Lingqi also put some effort on Li Qingzhao's words。He was very sympathetic to the word "not one.), and in the creation of words, physical practice, to confirm this proposition。


As Lingqi is2015The bookLinjiang Xian · Read (Zhao) Yishan division rhyme collection draftHe writes:

The true nature of poetry and Fu, the song of the full display of youth。Sigh and sigh。Floating clouds to the far heart, the night moon cook new tea。  Wine painting ships everywhere, Tang Dynasty Hujia。Autumn wind works a number of twilight crows。Five more residual dream wake, calligraphy wild career。

令琪对恩师赵义山先生等前辈的提携、扶掖,一直铭刻于心,不敢稍忘。Especially Mr. Zhao's person, for the text, has a great influence on Lingqi。赵先生还引荐令琪结识了南充师范学院的老学长、前辈诗人、词人、鲁迅文学奖得主周啸天先生。在格律诗词的创作上,令琪得到郑、赵、周几位先生的悉心指点。Because of the wide selection of teachers,Plus I'm diligent and studious,Ling Qi has made rapid progress in poetry writing in recent years,词作频频见诸《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》、《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》、《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》、《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》、《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》等国内名刊,还收入《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》(四川文艺出版社),受到国内一些著名学者、著名作家如王蒙、铁凝、贾平凹、傅天琳、周啸天、赵义山、藤伟明等前辈的好评。 

Three, accumulated, alone express the spirit

  Contemporary people write words,The most vulnerable problem,The general outline is as follows: Either the meter is not familiar,Follow a map to find a clue,Mechanical "filling in the blank";Or it doesn't work,Metrical dissonance,It doesn't read well;Or the language is indecent,Do not understand ancient names, institutions, terminology,"Melon hat" and "suit",Neither family nor class;Or go retro,Create feelings for literature,clich,Out of touch with reality。


In a nutshell,The works of Ling Qi,我感觉最大的特点就是在精确的用词遣语和美仑美奂的外在造构下,Full of true feelings, true disposition,As well as unique ideas and philosophical sense,In the natural flow,Radiant with wisdom,Like a blossoming flower,Beneath the intoxicating patterns, shapes, buds and petals,Is that covered with honey hidden feelings, accumulation of gold and jade filaments continuously。其中深挚的情感,独特的感受,精当的议论,给读者带来很多感染和启迪,可谓文质兼美、识见独卓、自成一格。Specifically, the aesthetic value of Lingqi's Ci works is mainly reflected in three aspects:

1The subject matter is broad and eclectic

有的人春写桃花,夏写荷花,秋写菊花,冬写梅花,据说每一种居然都可以写几十甚至上百首。But homogenizing writing, cliches, is inevitable。The Qianlong Emperor wrote tens of thousands of poems, several of which are still in circulation today?

In this regard, make Qi deep thought ring。他的词,总是广泛取材,精辟视角,通过用心体悟和营构,达到独抒胸臆、令人激赏的境界。而这,也确证了他广博的学识、通透的视界和对社会、人生精细入微的观察。如:


令琪是一个内心丰富、敢爱敢恨的人,他的词作,都是他自己精心选取的题材,很少有“被动式”的“奉命”题材,故其词作都是真情实感之作。The diversification of subject matter and content will inevitably enrich the Ci card。令琪即将出版的词集《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》收录的词作,词牌将近30Individual;Lingqi commonly used cards, often also in10More than。The advantage of doing this is to use the usual words skillfully and naturally。这与那种翻出词牌、一个字一个词“填空”式的生硬“做”词相比,显然更容易出警句、出意境,高出他们不知凡几。

2Sincere emotion, moving with emotion

一些人的写作,Create feelings for literature,矫揉造作,一篇尚可,多读则呕。令琪则不然,他主张如果没有感情的触动,绝对不轻易动笔。

2018916日,令琪应邀在成都金沙大剧场参加甘汶灵师妹所创锦帛定制二十周年庆典,在观赏旗袍秀及唐装、时装新品发布会后,他当即赋词A song "The 20th Anniversary of Hojin Silk" :

The brocade is lingering, the silk is fluttering。Looking back, twenty years。Jinsha River, willow pile of smoke。Sense learning in thinking, Yun in music, expansion in climbing。  Flowers on the stranger, harp chord。Needless to say, entrepreneurship is difficult。Qipao catwalk, in front of the dance stage。Knot how passionate, how many friends, how many fate。

这首词以典雅灵动的语言,简叙了锦帛的创办与兴盛,盛赞了甘汶灵女士的创业之艰、发展之快、为人之好,结缘之多,将一个锦心绣口的企业家形象,活灵活现的展现在读者面前。The whole word uses "Ci Lin Zhengyun" seventh part thirteen yuan()、十四寒、十五删、一先平声通用韵,读来既缠绵悱恻,也轻盈跳跃,丰富的内容和优美的形式结合得完美无暇。

在词的创作上,令琪一直主张有感而发,拒绝那种逢节日写节日的“老干体”写作,拒绝那种纯粹应酬式、应景式的写作。For example, "Picking mulberry, Ms. Fang praised" :

Caravan on the view, river sunshine。Hankou vicissitudes of life, lakeside mud mud long。  It makes me feel sad。Smile at the cang waves, million arrows through the heart reputation。

This song was written in2017108Day, is the ling Qi for2017年第四期《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》杂志的封面人物——作家方方女士配的词。这首词,不仅点出了方方女士工作的地点,还巧妙地将她的将近10A work, embedded in the word, like salt melting in water, no trace。在方方女士备受某些人攻击的时候,令琪敢于逆流而上,这不仅需要高瞻远瞩的文学眼光,还需要直面真实、主持公道的极大勇气。

诗词的感性与理性这对矛盾,从来就一直存在着;自宋代以后,这一对矛盾,尤其明显。The ancients had"欲为哲学家则感情苦多,而知力苦寡;欲为诗人,则又苦感情寡而理性多”(注②)的感慨。令琪很喜欢引用唐代白居易在《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》中的著名观点:“感人心者,莫先乎情。”他一直认为,要感动别人,首先要感动作者自己;要打动别人,首先要先打动自己。但他一直很注意,尽量在词作中,将哲学家式的“理”与诗词家的“情”融为一体。所以他的作品,很多是既有严密的逻辑、说理,又存在着鲜明的意象和不凡的意境,而诸多佳词妙句,更是频频见于词作之中。

3Pay attention to techniques, the pursuit of environment

阅读令琪词作的感觉,发现他喜欢某段时间专注于某个词牌的创作。This is a very good practice。

I remember reading a story that seemed to be about the last emperor Puyi。一些人将自以为宝的东西拿给他鉴定,他只需要瞄上一眼,就能看出是真是假。别人以为“神”,溥仪则说:“你这些瓶瓶罐罐,我小时候随便玩、打烂了的都是汝窑、龙泉窑的官瓷,我怎么会不认得真假?In ancient times, in addition to reading and practicing Chinese characters, they also composed poems and lyrics。我们今天感觉很神奇的东西,诸如书法、绘画、音乐等等,在古人那里往往如家常便饭。所谓“操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器”(注③),说的就是这个意思。

Lingqi Ci was used as a common ci card,Yijianmei is often used to write about scenic spots,Or give to female relatives and friends,Sing and sigh,Many euphemism;"The Broken Age" is often used to reminisce about the past and the present,Or express opinions,He sees what he knows,与人多异;《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》则往往用来赠送至亲好友、特别是男性亲友,Its rhyme has its rhythm,Both Xiao Yan (Yan Jidao) wind,It also has the taste of Nalan (sexual virtue),Discuss the situation,Varied and colorful,Durable。Such as "Linjiang Xian · Read Xilin Spring poems" :


春之曾祖为鄂尔泰;后归贝勒奕绘,为侧福晋,改名顾太清。Early prosperity, in the middle of the husband died, wasted fall in the world, late return to glory。勘破世情,遍尝冷暖,其诗其词,自成一家,集曰《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》。Continued to write "Dream of Red Mansions", into "Dream of Red Mansions", also famous works。

The grass is long and the nightingales are flying in the spring。Listen to the bell in the cauldron。Ancestors taste protection, fast horse while life。  Harmoniously played, the dust as cold as frost。It is wrong to waste too much time。The world is hard to light。

This song was written in2018614日晚上,令琪夜读西林春的诗词,忽然心动,然后行之于文。Word order narrates the origin of writing, and reviews Xilin Chun's life and literary achievements。全词通过对春景的描绘,对日常生活细节的描绘,侧面写出西林春模样之俊、才华之优、遭遇之跌宕、成就之巨大。行文中,一种深深的怜、轻轻的疼、由衷的敬、含泪的赞,跃然纸上。Obviously, this is one of Ling Qi's masterpieces (Note 4)。

It is particularly worth mentioning that Ling Qi "good for the famous mountain tour"。每到一地,往往都畅览名胜,留意典籍,用名胜实际印证书本上的知识。他还将观感及时记录下来,夜则整理于箧,创作为诗、词、文,一首首、一篇篇清新自然、寄托真情实感的佳作,就如清溪流泉,泠泠成韵,不断见诸报刊,以飨读者。

目前,Zeng Lingqi先生担任着大型纯文学刊物《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》杂志主编,中型纯文学刊物《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》杂志主编,同时还被聘为《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》编委、大型音乐刊物《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》编委。除了日常工作,令琪小说、散文、诗词、辞赋等诸种文学样式的创作量常年保持在3050Between ten thousand words, while the publication (publication) rate is at one percent70左右。

宋代禅宗大师青原行思提出参禅的三重境界:参禅之初,看山是山,看水是水;禅有悟时,看山不是山,看水不是水;禅中彻悟,看山仍是山,看水仍是水。令琪现在的作品数量惊人,佳作盈筐,成就已然卓越,但由于正当盛年,他在文学创作特别是在弄词方面,还有很大发展潜力和上升空间。因此,我在此真诚希望,令琪能继续勇猛精进,更上层楼,早日达到人生与学术彻悟之后“看The mountain is still the mountain, and the water is still the water.。





Note ① Quoted from Li Qingzhao's Ci Treatise。

注②  见王国维《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》,转引自《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》(Yunnan Publishing Group Company,19978First edition of October)。

Note 3 Quoted from Liu Xie, Literary critic of the Southern Dynasty, "Literary Heart, Carving Dragon, Bosom Friend"。

注④  本段及本文部分内容,参阅周晓霞《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》(《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》微信公众平台,2019117日)。


I. Introduction of the author:Gu Jiande,资中县人民政府教育督导室兼职副总督学、中学语文正高级教师、四川省中学语文特级教师、资中县作协主席,在全国学术刊物上发表教育研究论文近200Published literary works, reviews, etc., in various media1000余篇(首),获省、市、县政府教学成果奖、哲学社科成果奖、教育主管部门教育科研成果奖和文宣部门文学奖近50项。

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