Liu Yuxi's Yuanshui and River Street

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Xiao Dehua 
    Yuanshui gushing, floating from Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, flying down, cut Jun mountains, through canyons, Huibaixi, rushing into the dangerous beach, to Taoyuan, lower body, into the alluvial plain, open its chest, Chang Yi and go, around Changde City floating bright twist a S-shaped waist branch, from the mouth of the Deshan River gradually into the mighty Dongting Lake。Since ancient times, the people on both sides of the strait, their water, irrigation their fields, fishing their fish, through its navigation, relying on the source of life for generations to survive and multiply, I do not know how much the interpretation of joy and sorrow, fiber fishing song!
    In the middle of the Tang Dynasty, a young man named Liu Yuxi came to the city of Langzhou beside the Yuanshui River. He used his brilliant pen to describe the magnificent, prosperous, romantic and sad Yuan River and its banks。
    "Used to live in the neighborhood"    At the end of November in the year of Zhenyuan (805 AD), Liu Yuxi was full of grief and anger, leaving Chang 'an, Kyoto, and arriving at the border city of Langzhou, where he began his long exile life。Is thirty-three years old, spent here life "youth" time。
    Since the state Sima was a sinecures used by the court to settle demoted officials, he generally did not participate in state politics, so he did not live in Langzhou after the state government, and chose to build a building next to the east Zhaoqu Pavilion in Wuling City。The collection of ancient and modern books and the Compilation of Fang Yu cloud: "Qu Yuan Lane is outside the east gate of the government, and there is a temple of Qu Yuan on the riverside。There is a pavilion in front of the temple, said Zhaoqu Pavilion, overlooking the river。Liu Yuxi himself wrote in his poem: "I came to Wuling and lived beside the Yuanshui River" (" Hurt my Horse Words ").。Who knows living here is ten years。He was deeply impressed by Yuanshui and had deep feelings。Yuanshui is mentioned many times in the poem。"Yuanjiang QingYouyou, days of Yu Cen silence" (" You Taoyuan One hundred rhyme ");"Quping Temple under the Yuanjiang River, the moon light cold wave white smoke" (" Picking Ling line ");"The mountain city is few people, the river is blue, and the broken geese are sad apes." (" Tai Niang Song and Quotation ")。
    "Chu Wang Fu" has an introduction to his residence and environment: "Xiaowu (fog rain) floating, conducive to the house, the city of Li Qiao (more drum tower, that is, Zhaoqu Pavilion), the real neighborhood house。Four drooping without shelter, all the scenery ben (gather together) in."。"Lingxuan (window) outside, the mountains long long c ng cluster), Gangling Meizhou (continuous), potential if phase arch, clouds see strange, quiet Weisen shrug (dark lush, forest stands), Lu Xi Xia, looking like flying。Under the eave, the big river 澒 (hong) cave (the water is huge), the tributaries combine to discharge into Yunmeng (Dongting Lake)"。
    Liu Yuxi's residence near Zhaoquting was close to the Yuanjiang River, but the clear river water was separated by the surrounding city wall, making it extremely inconvenient to use water。"Governor Zang (slave), 㪺 (j) and lift (qie: with a hand), as for the split shoulder turtle hand。But your family regards water as expensive as wine mash (lao: muddy wine) "(Machine Kidji)。Before tap water was available, Changde residents got their drinking water from the Yuanjiang River。Until now, I still remember when I was a child, the men carrying the water shouted: "The river, the river"。As Liu Yuxi said, "The custom of facing the river does not drink from chiseling (well water), but all drink from the flow (river flowing water)" (Machine Kidji)。
    One day, a craftsman came to Liu Yuxi's house to sell the machinery that drew water from the Yuanjiang River to his home. Liu Yuxi thought it was very strange and agreed to let him build it。The craftsman in the river stone tree mark, horizontal Shi bamboo string, string string, so that the swab sinks in the river, the swab is filled one after another and rise, "branch long LAN, out of the high bank, the forest (mi, o: tree tops), more than steep prevention", "through the hole ring fold" will lead the river water to the place used。Liu Yuxi was very happy, specially wrote "machine Kid-Ji", and learned from it the wisdom of people, should be guided by material, and the truth of the same work。
     "Zhenyuan season summer flood"
     Before the construction of the reinforced concrete walls of the Yuanjiang River, Changde had to endure floods almost every few years。The river is swollen, the torrent is swift, the river is open, near and flat, and a large number of floating objects flow down from the upstream, and the river street is often flooded。All units in the city should be mobilized urgently, on guard, flood fighting and rescue。
    In the ten years before Liu Yuxi came to Langzhou, from the 11th year of Zhenyuan in the Tang Dynasty (795 AD) to the year of Yongzhenyuan (805 AD), Wuling suffered three major floods。The summer of his arrival in Langzhou, "the bear of Langzhou, Wuwu stream overflow.。Autumn, Wuling, Longyang (Hanshou) two counties river overflow。Float more than 10,000 families "(New Book of Tang • Five Elements Zhi 3)。Dong Ting, a local friend whom he met in Longzhou, wrote in his book Xiu Yangshan Temple Ste: "In the year of Yongzhen Yuan, the Yuan River flooded and destroyed Lusshe, a few ying thousands of rooms, people and livestock, and stopped with the passing of time。。。。。。”。
    Liu Yuxi arrived in Langzhou in late November of this year, did not witness the flood, heard people talk about it, and wrote an article "saving Shen Zhi"。The first paragraph depicts the flood。
    "Zhenyuan season (last year) summer flood, bear, Wu five streams, fight (rush) 泆 (with overflow) in Yuan, sudden old defense, destroy the people。Lofty and lofty。Ming 涬 (big water mixing vast) Pati Hua (spray), mountain belly (waist) for Odi (small island in the water), forest end such as sha (sedges)。Turbulent road driving strong (rapid flow), not wind and anger。崱 (ze) Yi (describing the high wave of water) in front, immersed next cover。The soft will be defeated,Stick to it and get rid of it,The gauge (round object) spins the ring,A square object is overturned,The light and floating 硠礚 (lang k: collide with each other to make a sound),Heavy and tall before (stop and go),Voice of the living,殪 (yi) the person (drowned dead) is in shape,To shield (cover the surface of water) to the east,Wakaki 柹 (fei: Wood chips) ran"。
    Then he wrote a story about a monk taking the lead in saving Shen。At that time, a monk saw this scene, very anxious, on the road to swear that the Buddha is compassionate, to save life for the greatest merit。If anyone can "help them drown", I will take the lead。At this time, three or four people who are familiar with water are willing to follow。They fastened their ship's rope to stakes high on the shore, took tools, and rowed close to the floating creature to save it。"Where the room, the aggregation of caves, in the herd, in the strength of the strength, on the Luo Qianshou (people, humans), under the hair (animals), pull the flood, resulting in the tens of hundreds of how.。Suddenly, someone found a tiger, like a leather bag floating on the water, PAWS grasping the floating tree trunk, the head did not sink in the water, the corner of the eye to the side, a poor, obedient look。Someone tried to save it, and the monk rushed over and shouted to stop it。The man in the boat asked, isn't the Buddha compassionate and purging all sentient beings?Do you forget Puzi because you know good from evil?The monk replied that Buddha Puci also spoke of good and evil。If you save the tiger, after it recovers, it will turn against cannibalism。In this way, "not only will my own troubles be a blessing, but I will cause them to many, and my sin is great.。Finally, Liu Yuxi quoted: "A husband tiger cannot be made to know grace, and a Jew cannot be made to be a tiger."。
     "Turn around the red bank in the evening。The mist rises green."     The sun is down in the west, after dinner, people who have been busy all day like to take a leisurely walk on the river bank or embankment。After Changde poem wall park is repaired, it is a flow of people。We look forward to the sky flying, tower bridge, boat in the stream;Close view of bamboo flowers Yan, pen rack city strange, crossing the river people urgent, Shuang Ying river wind, really relaxed and happy。
    Liu Yuxi also liked to walk on the river bank in the evening, and recorded the charming scenery on both sides of the Yuanjiang River more than a thousand years ago in poetry。"Stepping out of Wuling East Pavilion Linjiang Yu Wang" wrote:
              Eagle to feel the wind, frost change forest foot。
              Lonely sail belt days, the cold river turns sand curve。
              Xu Yao flag shadow moving, Jin late oar sound。
              On the moon rosy clouds, fishing songs continue far。    A beautiful autumn river evening picture: goshawk flying has felt the change of climate, the mountains gradually changed color after the autumn frost。A sailing boat accompanied by the sunset slowly from far to near, a river of cold water round the beach leisurely from near to far。The banners of the rebellion seemed to flutter in the distance, and the OARS of the river were still creaking and hurrying。At the beginning of the moon, the sunset is silently converging and full of makeup, singing fishing songs, one after another, ripening with the wind。
    "Late at the age of climbing Wuling City, looking at the water and land, Wang Youzuo" wrote:
              Frost chrysanthemum show late, shallow stone hydrology oblique。
              Firewood sound around the barrier, swab road cold sand。
              The breeze slightly changed the leaves, Lu orange began to contain flower。
              Wild bridge singing post riding, Cong temple back to Jia。
              Jumping scales avoid lifting nets, tired birds send lines of investigation。
              The road dust is higher than the trees, and the fire is far from the clouds。
              Evening turn red shore, floating mist from the pale。
              Paddling across the stream, repeatedly to the raven。    注; 汲路:指从江中取水之道。Line check: refers to the branch of the road, check, with "crouching," stump, meaning of the branch。Mountain fire: that is, She (sh) fire, burning the grass and trees in the field, using the grass and wood ash as fertilizer。Xun (x (n) : The residual light of twilight。
    This is the winter scenery that the author saw in Wuling City, which can be described as a mixture of water and land。Write weather: light frost, breeze, evening Xun, floating mist, even xia;Write geography: Shallower, hydrology, so the barrier, cold sand, wild bridge, cluster temple, red shore, crossing river;Write plants and animals are: chrysanthemum show, change leaves, Lu orange, including flower, jump scale, tired bird, tall tree, green Jia, wood crow;Writing about human activities are: firewood sound, swab road, post riding, back to the jia, lifting the net, road dust, mountain fire, rolling OARS。And, following verb and adjective after verb, these scenes become alive, vivid, and covered with a layer of sad emotion。"To cross the stream OARS, to the crows."。In the evening he heard the OARS of people crossing the river under the city walls, and when he saw the crows returning to the old woods, a feeling of homecoming suddenly came to him。At the end of the poem, he wrote with melancholy: "The lone minister is in danger, and the trees are in the end of the world."。Banished for a long time, forgive the anger of returning to Beijing in the distant future。
     "Gold rush girl"     Liu Yuxi banished from Langzhou in the early days, life is not accustomed to, no relatives and friends, idle all day, depressed and bored, looking forward to the court as soon as possible "grace pardon" back to Beijing。But year after year, the return is only a dream, gradually calmed down, began to integrate into the new environment, make new friends, "no rain is climbing", extensive contact with social life, concerned about the people's livelihood, pay attention to folk customs, learn folk songs, wrote a lot of description of the life of the working people, reflect the suffering of the working people。
"Wave sand words" the sixth first way: Rizhao Chengzhou river mist open, gold mining female companion Manjiang Kuma。
    The jewels of beauty await the seal of the king。
     Note: Mountains, water and other curved places。
     Longzhou is famous for its gold production in history。Liu Yuxi in a number of poems have truly recorded the Longzhou people's gold work。Such as: "Sha Jin miliao see" (" Wuling book Huai fifty Yun "), "seek Jin Zhuxi, eliminate 瀺灂 (chan zhuo: refers to the things in the water) flow Kui Tuo, numerous light" (" Chu Wang Fu ")。In this poem, the poet praises the hard work of the gold miners in Wuling with sharp contrast, and angrily points out that the jewelry on the head of the noble woman and the gold seals in the hands of the Hou Kings are all gold miners who have gone through a lot of trouble from the "bottom of the waves in the sand"。
    Changde is the hometown of fish and rice, for thousands of years, fishermen have relied on fishing for a living。Liu Yuxi gave a wonderful description of the fishing life of the fishermen in Yuanjiang in his "Fu of Chu Wang"。"Zhu (land in the water) lives in fresh food, big cover (catch) water (fish and other aquatic), rewu (g: fishing net) eat (eat bait), can not hide.。Display lift (lift net) diving (fishing), day and night contact, set the machine (fishing equipment) deep, such as picking up land。He swam shu (sh ū : very quickly, this refers to the sky) of its class, salty jump (skip) struggle in embarrassment beam (by the plight of constraint)。Although three toes (three-legged turtle) and six eyes (six-eyed turtle), sometimes add one eye (net, this refers to fish net)。There are also light boats, which float with high and low waves, 拕 (tow) nylon (fishing line, this refers to fishing equipment) to and fro, and the gulls are driven away."。
      "Singing on the Lang River"     Liu Yuxi lived in Yuan-Xiang, deeply influenced by Chu legends, folk customs and cultural traditions, and attached great importance to folk customs, deep folk life, so in his creation quite Chu-Xiang regional characteristics and Chu Shao charm。"Zhuzhici • Willow Qingqingjiang Level" is his most famous folk song style poem。
          Willow Qingqing river level, smell Lang river singing songs。
          The sun in the east and the rain in the west, the road is sunny but sunny。    Singing is a folk custom in Hunan Province。"Xuanhe Book Music" volume five cloud: "Southern customs, women in the autumn night singing, dancing in the shadow of the moon, the most prosperous collection"。Liu Yuxi's "Tread Lyrics" let us still appreciate the style of this custom after a thousand years。
          Spring river moon out of levee flat, levee girls line up。
          Sing all the new words to see, red clouds reflect the tree partridge singing。      Note: The same mei: peers。Huan: Jiangnan called lover Huan。Hongxia: This refers to the morning glow。
    Langzhou Miao young men and women, spring river moonlight night, go together。Hand in hand, with foot to foot as the beat, while singing and dancing, unexpectedly long night, pouring out love。Song Dynasty 谢枋得 cloud: "There are not many girls on the embankment, the color must be impressive, and the voice must be audible.。Sing all the new words, but love is not seen。。。。。。But seeing the color of red clouds, but hearing the sound of partridge, how should its thoughts be?”
    "The collection of ancient and modern books • The Compilation of Fang Yu" volume 1226, Changde ancient monuments: "Qu Yuan died on May 5 into the river, the county people every day to compete to hang it。Liu Yuxi specially wrote a "Competition Song" to remember this custom, which specifically described the competition scene of dragon boat rowing on the Yuanjiang River in Longzhou during the Tang Dynasty。"Yuanjiang May flat dyke flow, the city people will float color boat", "Yang beam (fu: drumstick) percussion Lei Tantantian (thunder), turbulent Qi into the sound of the roar", the game scene rendered loud and colorful, showing the tense and warm atmosphere of struggle。"Customs such as crazy heavy at this time, throughout the cloud committee (such as cloud accumulation, referring to the many viewers) river Mekong (river side)。Colored flags on the shore according to the Jiao room (the legend of the shark people in the water room, this refers to the dragon boat), Luo stockings Ling waves were water hippie ", describing the audience like clouds, colorful flags, water hippie lively, happy as crazy scenes。
      "The wine flag looks at the end of the levee"     Changde is the distribution center of local specialties in western Hunan, known as the "thoroughfare of nine provinces" in ancient times.。From the southwest Yunguichuan tung oil, tea oil, wood and other substances, through the Yuanjiang River to the largest northwest Hunan Changde wharf, into Dongting, down the Yangtze River, to Changsha, Hankou, Nanjing, Shanghai and Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and even overseas。Hundreds of small and large boats and countless wooden rows are often docked along the river。Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Republic of China, gradually formed the river Street, River Street, Mayang Street, has built more than 30 large and small docks, many businesses, shops, a bustling scene。
So, what was Langzhou River Street like in the Tang Dynasty more than a thousand years ago?Liu Yuxi wrote in "Walking on the Embankment" :
            The wine flag looks at the head of the embankment, and the wall goes upstairs under the embankment。
            The OARS are crowded with people crossing the OARS at twilight。
                                Another song
            Spring dike curling around the water hovering, wine house flag pavilion opened。
            In the evening, the curtain calls for visitors, COe da 艑 sail to come。     Note: Even the masts: refers to many sails。Swish: The OARS are。Estimator: A merchant who buys goods。Ke E: Tall and handsome。艑 : A big ship。
The previous one wrote the ferry wine flag, to rattle the mast, high-rise scale;The sun is fading in the west, pedestrians are crossing, boatmen are paddling。The last one is written in the winding of the long embankment, the restaurant has been hanging apricot wine flag, attracting visitors to the merchant ships come, down the sail to land into the restaurant scene。The two poems show that Wuling County in the middle of the Tang Dynasty under the rule of Langzhou, the cargo ships came and went, the customers gathered, the shops and restaurants lined up, and the commercial economy was quite active and prosperous。
Even in the evening, the women who gathered diamonds in the White Horse Lake also came to the river and sold the water chestnut they picked to the guests。"Return to the city bridge step (place name, outside the east gate of Changde City), wild vine tied ship ping full clothes。Every bamboo house in the wide momo, there are even more than the appraiser。Carrying the glass (SHH ng: wine) recommended gitoxin (ji, recommended water horn) night after, drunk step on the embankment corresponding song "(" Picking Ling")。
    The Yuan River flows for thousands of years。Liu Lang he, the soul of the river。
    Immortal poetry, spread for a long time。I am always bright and bright。
     Author: Xiao Dehua Retired cadres Add: Zhijin Garden, Langzhou North Road, Wuling District, Changde City Mobile number: 13908416399  
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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